All-Inclusive, Comprehensive, Seamless College Management Software

What is a College Management System?

College Management Software is software that assists colleges in managing administrative tasks like enrollment, scheduling, attendance, fees, and exams etc. It streamlines day-to-day operations and improves communication and collaboration among administrators, faculty, and students.

Core Modules

Student Management

Maintains accurate records of student information, including personal details, contact information, and academic progress, including grades, attendance, and other relevant data.

Attendance Module

Equips Admin and Teaching staff can take attendance, track absences and send out alerts.

Notification and Messaging

Provides an instant chat facility for parents, teachers and students to stay updated via SMS and notifications.

Online Class

Conducting online classes, live lectures and discussion forums.

Exam Result and Progress Report Management

Generate report cards on student progress including marks and grades received through tests & examinations.

FEST Management:

Publish activities, audition details, events dates, timings and tickets on software.

Admission Management

Streamlines operational and administrative steps from enquiries to enrolment.

Fee Management

Keep track of Fee payments and send reminders for outstanding dues to ensure prompt payments.

Exam Management

Generate online tests papers and teachers are able to evaluate answer sheets on software.

Timetable Management

Create timetables, and have the flexibility to make last minute changes that notifies students, parents and teachers!

Data Management

Ensures compliance with relevant data privacy and security regulations, and to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Finance Management

Get real-time tracking and reporting of financial data, including revenue, expenses, and financial metrics.

General FAQs

Yes, of course. For all our customers, we offer installation support, where our trained team work with you to install and train you on how to use the software for your needs. Our installation and training sessions are held in person, video conference or telephone depending on your convenience and preference.
Certainly, any College, regardless of its size can use SUMS College management systems, including mid-level Colleges. SUMS is a solution that can easily be tailored to meet the specific needs of Colleges, coaching institutes and other educational institutes.
SUMS College management system can help minimise communication gaps by providing a centralized platform for teachers, students, and parents to communicate with each other in real-time.

Answer: We have a team of dedicated customer services, and customer onboarding who are always willing to help. If you have any queries, please contact us on +919029401855, or via email:

Our lines are open Monday - Friday between 9am-7pm.

When you purchase SUMS, you’ll receive installation and training from our team of experts.

The pricing for the SUMS college management software depends on the number of users, features required, and the duration of the subscription. Contact our sales team for a customized pricing plan.
The billing for the college management software is done on a recurring basis, either monthly, quarterly, or annually. You will receive an invoice before the start of each billing cycle.
We usually do not offer a refund policy but on we consider it on case to case basis such as if the software does not meet your requirements or if there is a technical issue that we cannot resolve. Please refer to our terms and conditions for more information.
The user-friendly interface of SUMS is so simple that even a person with little to no experience in technology can easily understand it. Along with this, our trained Customer onboarding and support team will work with you to help you complete your set up, as well as train your staff and teachers on how to use the solution.
SUMS can help manage student data, staff information, academic records, financial information, and more. One of the key benefits of using College Management Software is that it provides error-free data, reports, and information.
College Management software can help automate administrative tasks, improve communication with students and parents, and provide tools for Collaboration and data analysis, which can enhance student engagement and improve teaching and learning outcomes.
At the time of purchase, Team SUMS will provide installation training. However, for any further training and technical support, relevant fees will be applicable.
You can subscribe to the software by visiting our website and filling out the subscription form. Our sales team will then get in touch with you to discuss the pricing and features of the software.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. However, you will need to inform us through Email on: at least 30 days in advance to avoid being billed for the next billing cycle.
After discontinuing the use of our service, you will retain access to your previously stored data on SUMS. However, any new data cannot be added.

Technical FAQs

The college management software typically offers a range of features to manage various administrative tasks such as student admissions, Fee management, data management, attendance tracking, grading, scheduling, library management, and financial management. It also includes features such as online exam, communication tools, and student/parents/teacher/admin portals.
The process for data migration from a current system to the college management software can vary depending on the software and the complexity of the data being transferred. Typically, Team SUMS will provide guidance and support for data migration to ensure a smooth transition.
Yes, SUMS college management software can handle multiple campuses or locations. The software may include features such as multi-campus management, centralized administration, and reporting to support institutions with multiple locations.
SUMS college management software are mobile-friendly and can be accessed through a mobile app. This allows students, faculty, and administrators to access the software from anywhere, at any time, using their mobile devices.
Yes, Sums Fee Management can generate receipts and invoices that can be printed and sent to parents through the system.
SUMS college management software is highly adaptable and can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each college. This can involve selecting a particular set of modules or customizing the software for aided or non-aided colleges, colleges with multiple campuses, or any other specific needs based on the size and need of the college.
SUMS College management software typically employees various security measures to protect sensitive student and faculty data. This may include data encryption, user authentication, role-based access control, regular data backups, and compliance with data protection regulations.
Typically, providers of SUMS College management software offer a range of support services such as email, phone, or chat support. Additionally, we also provide knowledge about our product through a variety of online resources, blogs, infographics and video tutorials to help you in understanding and troubleshooting issues on your own.
Indeed, with SUMS, you have the flexibility to conduct various types of exams. The online examination system can accommodate multiple choice, essay, and practical exams, making it suitable for a wide range of subjects and testing scenarios. This feature helps in conducting different levels of exams such as hard, easy and moderate, thus helping different learning abilities.

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